Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Savin' G's...

We've decided to start a blog about living very well on just a little (money). Hence the title. Our goal is to share ideas, tips, tricks, etc. about something we've perfected over the years: making very little money and still managing to live well.

We're a young couple, living just outside Toronto, Ontario, though we hail from the U.S. and sometimes really miss the places we used to live in the good old U. S. of A. I (your ever-loving author) am a graduate student working on a PhD in Philosophy, my dude is a mostly unemployed artist, teacher, musician, and occasional traveling salesman.

Let me just say right off the bat that we understand that "very little money" is a relative term. What is "very little" to most of us in the industrialized, Western world is likely "quite a bit" to the rest of the world. This is something that all of us industrialized, wealthy Westerners have to recognize and maybe, just maybe, do something about. (Indeed, doing both of these things may make us realize just how easy it is to live well on what we make, even if it's well below six figures.) That said, our goal with this blog is simply to share what seem like pretty easy, relatively painless, and usually joyous ways of saving money. We know that it's possible to enjoy life and heck, to feel like you're really living it up, even if you don't make much money.

One additional note: I'm not going to disclose just how much money comes our way, partially because I think it's gauche to do so, and partially because I'd like to retain some sense of financial privacy, despite writing (and wanting to write) this blog. For now, I'll just tell y'all that we definitely pull in less than, say, $50,000 per year, we save a bit each year (when we can), and we don't have kids. We do have a cat, who seems like our kid, but caring for her doesn't cost nearly as much as caring for a human kid.

Cheers, big scrimpers!

Here we go...

1 comment:

  1. Protip: instead spending money on floss use a thread from your sock.

    - Ned
